One God . One World . One People
The Power of Chants
Chanting creates the channel for the flow between us and God. It takes us to the heights of our mystic quest and to the deepest places in our hearts and souls. Chants not only hold the power of their words, but their sweet and compelling melodies carry energy and passionate intensity to the core of our Beings. Chant — and the silence that follows each chant — moves us into that unconscious place in our psyches where we feel the holy love-connection to All That Is, to the Infinite, to the Divine.
Come into these inspirited chants that can enliven and enrich your spiritual journey, and bring you closer to the power and the promise of a World of Oneness — Eden on Earth once again.
Listen to the signature chants of RADICAL LOVING
All chants are performed by Cantor Kathy Robbins and Ellen Kaufman Dosick

Enjoy these four chants for free

“Rabbi Dosick has written more theological books than this one, but none wiser or more courageous. While his idiom here is Jewish, my liberal Catholic heart is cheering.”
Jon M. Sweeney
Co-author, Meister Eckhart’s Book of the Heart, and translator, Francis of Assisi in His Own Words
"In fractious times in a fractured world, Rabbi Wayne Dosick’s book arrives as a much needed healing balm and a call to remember the essential truth at the foundation of life – we are one. Through poetic writing, rich spiritual insights, uplifting quotations and stories that awaken and illumine, our experiences of contemporary life are balanced and transformed. We are elevated above the fray and set on the higher ground of living with love, openness, compassion and caring. I am a better person for reading this book!”
Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dean
The School of Spiritual Leadership, Encinitas, CA; former national president, Centers for Spiritual Living
“Our precious children have come to Earth to be the paradigm-shifters who lead us to a more perfect world. Rabbi Wayne Dosick’s Radical Loving is the visionary and inspiring book that guides our children and us to grasp hands and hearts in dynamic love to bring peace and harmony to our planet.”
Jan Tober and Dr. Lee Carroll
World Teachers and authors of The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived, and the Kryon series
“Radical Loving is a gem! It is not just a book about love — it is a book written from love. It is a prose-poem to God and to all of us; a tapestry that weaves together all spiritual traditions to celebrate the oneness of God, of our world, and of all people. With tales, parables, anecdotes, recollections, keen insights, and wisdom teachings, Rabbi Dosick gives us the profound vision of a spiritual awakening that speaks directly to the heart of every reader and gives us hope.”
Rabbi David Zaslow
Author, Jesus: First Century Rabbi, and Reimagining Exodus
“I am honored that my soul-brother, Rabbi Wayne Dosick, chronicles our spiritual friendship in this extraordinary book, Radical Loving. I pray that millions of people around the world will be inspired by the good rabbi’s wise and wonderful teachings, and come to understand that we are all children of the One God, and that our collective fate and future depends on embracing each other in unity and love. In the Name of God and all that is holy, please read this book!”
The Rev. Fr. James J. O’Leary
Spiritual Director, Marquette University
“Rabbi Wayne Dosick, deeply grounded in sacred literature, offers profound insights in a manner accessible to people of all backgrounds. Radical Loving is a veritable GPS to an expanded inner life. Drawing on the wisdom of traditions of the past, this rabbi-sage applies them forcefully to the challenges of the present, and illuminates the path to a just and peaceful future. This is a compendium of spiritual knowledge that the reader will return to many times for inspiration and guidance.”
Rabbi Leah Novick, author
On the Wings of Shekhinah: Re-Discovering Judaism’s Divine Feminine
“Reading Radical Loving reminds me of who I Am at my best! It gives me great hope, and it inspires me to want to do good, to want to be a better person.”
Annie Klein
World Master Teacher, Age-ing to Sage-ing
“In the hell of Auschwitz, even at the tender age of fifteen, I decided that I would not be a victim, but, rather, a triumphant survivor. What was around me did not matter anywhere near as much as what was inside me, so I fully covered myself in love. Now, this precious child of spirit, Rabbi Wayne Dosick, offers this same prescription to our troubled world. Do not separate yourself from the human family. Do not hate. Love. Love. Love. Please read this wise and inspiring book right now, and love, love, love with all your heart.”
Dr. Edith Eva Eger
The Choice: Embrace the Possible
“Radical Loving by our dear spiritual elder Rabbi Wayne Dosick comes at the right time in our lives. Dedicated to my teacher and mentor Elie Wiesel, of blessed memory, it helps bring us to a holy place where we can try to bring more light into our fractured world. Elie Wiesel taught us that we should try to see more humanity in each other’s eyes. This book helps us to see more clearly through a lens of love and compassion.”
Cantor Deborah Katchko-Gray
Founder, The Women Cantor’s Network; author, Katchko: Three Generations of Cantorial Art
“This beautifully written call to love is more than an invitation; it is a lantern
in the night. Rabbi Wayne Dosick lives the wisdom he offers us here. I have rarely met a person with such consistent generosity of spirit, willing to take the risk of loving at all costs, as this gentle master of the human heart. This book reminds us that we belong to each other — all of us — and that this belonging
is our salvation.”
Mirabai Starr
author, God of Love; A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of Women Mystics
“There is no other book like Radical Loving. It is written in one, long, holy breath. It is a teaching about love. A plea and a prayer for unity and peace. It is like a wedding ceremony between humans and the Divine. It is a poem about life and the beauty of the human heart. It is an invitation to give, serve, bond, honor, laugh, forgive, listen, learn, and enjoy the smorgasbord of the created universe. Rabbi Dosick is a prophet for modern times, and his prophecy is a four-letter word: love.”
Judith Fein
How to Communicate with the Dead; Life is a Trip; and The Spoon from Minkowitz

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